Caramelised Apple Cake


•250g Granulated Sugar

•90g Butter

•9-10 Apples (Golden Delicious, Fuji or Pink Lady)


•2 Big Eggs

•120g Granulated Sugar

•½ tsp Baking Soda

•¼ tsp Lemon Zest

•120g Flour

•100ml Heavy or Double Cream
1.Place the sugar into a medium sized pot (make sure the pot doesn’t have wooden handles as it will be going into the oven) on the lowest heat possible for about 10 minutes to make the caramel. Do not stir the sugar at any stage as this will cause it to crystallize;

2.While the sugar is cooking prepare the apples. You will need to peel them, quarter them and remove the core;

3.When the caramel reaches a light brown or auburn color add the rest of the butter and wait for it to melt. As soon as it melts add the ice and turn the heat off and allow the mixture to come together;

4.When the caramel cools down slightly layer your apples standing up all the way around the pot until you have the whole surface covered. Place a few knobs of the remaining butter into the holes that the apples have left;

5.Place the pot on the lowest possible flame and cover 90% with a lid allowing a small amount of steam to escape and cook the apples like this for one hour without adjusting the temperature once;

6.Brush a little butter around the outside of the pan with a pastry brush followed by a dusting of sugar;

7.To make the cake mixture start by cracking two eggs into a bowl and whisking them together using a hand blender for about 30 seconds before adding the sugar;

8.Whip the eggs and sugar for a further 4 minutes or until they start to become thicker and are at the ribbon stage;

9.Bring the fresh cream up to room temperature before adding to the eggs. At this stage also add the lemon zest;

10.In a separate bowl sift the flour and baking soda together before sifting it into the wet mixture. Using your clean hand or a spatula fold the mixture gently together being careful not to lose any of the volume;

11.Pour the mixture onto the apple and caramel mixture and place it straight into the oven at 180C/360F for 40 minutes;

12.Remove the cake from the oven and allow to cool for 45 minutes;

13.Run a knife around the outside of the cake and flip it over onto a plate or serving tray;



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