Tomato soup

Tomato soup 

Tomato soup for those rainy days!
This soup is a classic! Perfect for those lazy night dinners, that consist of a simply grilled cheese sandwiches, and good friends. Grill that cheese, cook up this recipe, and dip in and take a bite!


  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 celery stalks, chopped
  • 1 carrot, diced
  • 1 can (28oz/800g) whole tomatoes
  • 1 can (28oz/800g) crushed tomatoes
  • ½ tsp. small can of tomato paste
  • 2 tsp. chicken stock
  • 1 cup. half and half
  • salt and pepper to taste


In a large soup pot, heat oil over low-medium heat, mix in vegetables and cook until tender. Add tomatoes, water, chicken stock, and simmer until veggies become extremely tender, 12-15 more minutes.
Remove 1/3 of your soup mix, let cool and pour into blender, puree mixture.
Pour puree mix back into your soup, stir in the seasonings and half and half. Reheat back up to a simmer; make sure not to bring your soup to a boil when reheating.


For a chunky soup leave out the puréeing part of the recipe, just skip ahead and stir in the seasons and continue to simmer.


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